Getting Started

To connect to the Curb REST API, you can instantiate a curb_energy.client.RestApiClient object passing in the required credentials.

OAuth Tokens

Before you can interact with the Curb REST API, you’ll need to get a client token and secret for your specific application. For that, you will need to reach out to the Curb support team asking them for developer access to their API. The defaults have been set to CHANGE_ME explicitly for this reason – you will be unable to proceed until getting these.

Once you have been given a client ID and token for your app, you can pass this to the curb_energy.client.RestApiClient along with the username and password (or existing OAuth2 access/refresh token) to interact with the API.


Just to be clear: the Client Token and Client Secret are DIFFERENT from the username, password, or access and refresh tokens. The Client Token/Secret is used to identify the application interacting with the REST API, and the access and refresh tokens are used to identify the user.

The library will automatically fetch an access token when authenticating with a username and password. Subsequent requests to the REST API will use the access token. As well, the refresh token is automatically used to request a new access token when the previous access token has expired.


The client can be used as a context manager to automatically handle logging in and cleaning-up:

import asyncio
from curb_energy.client import RestApiClient

async def main():
    async with RestApiClient(username='user',
                             client_token='APP_CLIENT_TOKEN') as client:
        profiles = await client.profiles()
        devices = await client.devices()

    for profile in profiles:

    for device in devices:


Or in a more traditional way:

import asyncio
from curb_energy.client import RestApiClient

async def main():
    client = RestApiClient(username='user', password='pass',
        await client.authenticate()
        profiles = await client.profiles()
        devices = await client.devices()

        for profile in profiles:

        for device in devices:
        # Clean-up
        await client.session.close()
